Child & Adolescent Interventions

We assess, identify and carry out effective interventions that are tailormade to fit each child or organization’s unique needs.

Assessments and evaluations

We carry out a number of assessments including but not limited to Psychological, speech and language, occupational. These are important tools that give us a baseline for intervention. We also carry out independent evaluations using clinically validated tests for Schools, child care organizations and Parents.

Early Childhood Interventions

The early childhood intervention program is carried out for children with intellectual differences and developmental delays (18 months to 5 years old). We also carry out this program for children in the same age bracket who are at a high risk of or have experienced abuse and neglect. This program may take on a comprehensive nature or a targeted approach depending on the child’s needs.

Child and Adolescent therapy

We carry out therapy for children and adolescents aimed at increasing confidence, awareness and resilience while decreasing maladaptive behaviors, thinking styles and stress.

Training & Research

We provide trainings to individuals, families, Child care organizations, Schools and support processes aimed at building an enabling environment for all children to thrive. We are also passionate about adapting, replicating and producing new knowledge to inform practice and improve our interventions.


Hold My Hand

Providing free support to autistic children, their parents/ caregivers/ teachers and to staff of child-care organizations which have children with autism.

We know that an autism diagnosis changes a lot for a family. Parents, siblings, extended family and any other care givers have to learn helpful ways of interacting with the autistic family member(s) to decrease frustrations and behavioral challenges while increasing positive experiences. There is also the need for the child to receive support and consistency from their family as they learn to communicate, interact with others, build skills and negotiate with the outside world. From research and our own personal experiences, we know that in our part of the world, it is a privilege for most children with autism to receive evidence-based therapy.

Meet The Butterflies Team

Our team is comprised of different professionals who work together to assess, identify and carry out effective interventions that are tailormade to fit each child or organization’s unique needs. The team works through collaborations with parents/caregivers, educators, Child care Organizations and other individuals directly involved with children to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Fredah Nabayunga Sebayiga

Clinical Psychologist, Certified Behavior Technician.

Rhoda Nassolo

Clinical Psychologist.

Sarah Lydia Nanyonga

Interventions Assistant.


Get Involved

Are you a parent/ school/child care organization in need of our services?
Are you a health care provider/ school or child care services who makes referrals? We look forward to getting to know you better.
Are you interested in volunteering with us?

Reach Out to us

Phone: (256) 779639562


Email: butterfliesinterventions@gmail.com